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Thurrock Centre for Independent Living

Charity no. 1081271. Company no. 03855994

Thurrock Centre for Independent Living (TCIL)

At Thurrock Centre for Independent Living (TCIL) we offer support and advice on a variety of issues which affect disabled people.

Thurrock Centre for Independent Living (TCIL) is a Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee. (Charity no. 1081271) (Company no. 03855994) Registered in England & Wales.

We are a member of Thurrock Coalition - The User-Led Organisation for Thurrock. You can get more information about Thurrock Coalition and our other partner organisations by clicking the links at the bottom of this page.

Who can TCIL help?

The TCIL team can assist people with the majority of disability related issues � from providing information or advising about a situation that simply requires completing an application form to a more complex situation that needs a formal advocate or complaint to be made, and many matters in between of concern to disabled individuals and their carers. If members of the TCIL team are not the most appropriate people to help, we will always try to suggest other options.

The Social Model of Disability

TCIL promotes the Social Model of Disability The TCIL team will try to remove or reduce the barriers that prevent disabled people accessing the services they need to give them choice and control over their own situations and to maintain their independence.

What We Offer

General Advice & Information

We are here to help with any problems or difficulties you have on disability issues.
We provide Guidance on how to access the Council services and elsewhere.

Benefits Advice

We can help and signpost you on various benefits including Disability Living Allowance (soon to become Personal Independence Payment). Attendance Allowance, Housing or Council Tax Benefit, Employment & Support Allowance, Carers Allowance.  We can also help you with filling in the application forms.

Advocacy - Thurrock Advocacy Service

Working in partnership with disabled people and taking their side, TCIL takes action to help disabled people say what they want, to secure their rights, to represent their interests and to help them obtain the services they need.  Through such advocacy TCIL seeks to promote social inclusion, equality and social justice for disabled people living in this borough.

In July 2016, Thurrock Centre for Independent Living launched Thurrock Advocacy Service, in partnership with Thurrock Mind

Thurrock Advocacy Service

Thurrock Advocacy Service focuses upon Empowering, Enabling and Supporting people. Helping you to find a voice, and give you the support and assistance to make sure your voice is heard.

If you would like to arrange an appointment with an advocate or want more information about the available services, please get in touch using one of the methods below:

Address: 152 Bridge Road, Grays, Essex RM17 6DB

Telephone: 01375 659 175

Text phone: 07977531670

Fax: 01375 389793



Office Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

TCIL also provides:


If you are having difficulties locating equipment or services we may be able to find what you are looking for by searching our database of local and national suppliers and services.

Wheelchair Hire

Do you, or does someone you know have mobility difficulties?
Do you need to use a wheelchair for just a few weeks?
If so, TCIL offers a short term wheelchair loan service.

Call us on 01375 389 864 for more details.

Radar Keys

A Radar key gives access to disabled toilets within Thurrock and around the country for disabled people.

Mountain Trikes

Following a successful match funding bid to Public Health, Thurrock Coalition have launched a new Mountain Trike Hire Service, which offers 2 all-terrain off-road wheelchairs for hire.

The initiative is designed to promote improvement in both physical and mental wellbeing of disabled adults which we believe will assist in increasing social inclusion, participation, life expectancy as well as quality of life.

The initiative will focus upon expanding the breadth of the opportunities for activity and exercise which we currently offer disabled people, and to continue to build upon the Legacy of London 2012 as well as mobility, activity and increasing independence of Disabled People, the Trikes will increase the accessibility of Thurrock as a whole.

The Mountain Trike Hire Service is aimed at disabled people (of any impairment type) and offers the Trikes for hire, details are available from the links below:

More details about the Thurrock Mountain Trikes are available here

Check out the TCIL Mountain Trike Hire flyer here

A video of the Mountain Trike in action is available here

Work Experience - World of Work (WoW)

We can help you become job ready and offer a variety of work experiences through volunteering. Find out more here